Pale Moon Pirates

This "player" with number 0 on the team roster of Pale Moon Pirates represents all the events, that does not earn a proper player on the team SPP. For examble when a mercenary/journeyman scores a TD or gets an MVP, or when the team earns a casualty because a player on the opposing team falls over (failed dodge or GFI), or casualties from spectators or fouls and so on.

   Draft List number: 0  

Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 4
Casualties: 22  (3 were kills!)
MVP awards: 4
Unspent SPP: 72
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 0

-- Pale Moon Pirates has retired team retired --.

Team Description (Under construction, more will come)

The Pale Moon clan now lives in the old dwarf mining fortress Bitterstone Hold, taken over at the end of the great wars. This has of course led to a lot of grudge from any dwarf teams to take the pitch against the Pirates, the matches turning in to real slug-feasts, the ball often forgotten in the middle of the field.

On the field the Pirates display much of the same ruthlessness as their sires did when they invaded Bitterstone Hold, showing no mercy and they are not above any dirty tricks to weaken the opposition.

Bitterstone Hold has two major features, first and foremost it’s a formidable fortress which has largely played out its role since the great wars ended, but still houses most of the clans Orcs. Secondly it has a deep mine where the Orcs have continued mining the Ore but the mine is also home to the clans Night Goblins, Cave Trolls and Squigs, while some older mineshafts are used as fungus farms.

More importantly the hold has a large cavern that has been remade into a Blood Bowl pitch.

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